Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Out With A Whimper

Looking blearily through my over-the-counter drug induced haze I realize I am seeing the tail end of another year. My 2014 body arrived in good health and is exiting with a nasty head cold.

The first indication of doom is a little niggle at the back of the throat on Christmas Day. My sister encouraged me to take zinc tablets. "It will reduce the severity and make whatever it is you have last a shorter time," she declared.  She works in the local pharmacy so it must be true. Now I think it is not. I wanted a miracle cure, not a degree of harshness. I wanted to NOT be getting a cold.

I want to not run across the room hoping my dripping nose will hold on until I can reach that lotion laden tissue. I want to not hold my head when I feel a cough coming on that will make my head ache and my stomach muscles contract. I want to not feel like I can't keep my eyes open so that I can read my book or watch TV. It's only fair that I should be able to distract myself from this crummy malady isn't it?

Looking on the bright side. It is only 12 degrees outside, I do have a fireplace, and my subscription to Netflix can be put to good use. I don't have any social commitments (well, except for lunch today with a good friend I haven't seen in years. She is sympathetic when I postpone, she suffered through her own version of this last week). My tea supply is in good shape as well as chocolate/ginger bars. I don't have to cook, there are lots of eating options nearby and I have a husband willing (eager?) to leave my sniffling side to run those errands. Funny how that works.

And then there is always the motivation to get better. My hair dresser just called to confirm my appointment for cut and color later in the week. Oh yes ma'am, I will absolutely be there. I may be ailing but I am not dead. I would never go to my colorist with a fever but Kleenex, cough drops, and day-time cold medicine will travel.

I am not one to blow horns, drink champagne, and participate in raucous revelry on New Year's Eve anyway but tonight I will only be blowing my nose, toasting with hot chicken broth, and shuffling back to bed around 10pm. Someone else will have to usher in 2015. I'll catch up around Jan 3rd.