Friday, January 11, 2013

Stuck. Sort Of.

My favorite calendar is stuck on the last day of 2012. A Christmas gift from a favorite sister-in-law in 2011, the Metropolitan Museum of Art Day by Day calendar gave me the opportunity to literally turn a new page every day last year. I enjoyed revealing a new image each morning, never peeking ahead to see what was in store. I loved having it in my home in the Midwest and enjoyed it even more when I moved to The City and knew the objects de art were only a few blocks away, ready for my immediate and leisurely viewing. Some of artwork I recognized immediately and some encouraged me to seek out more obscure collections at the museum (see "Porcelain Century Vase by Karl L.H. Muller (American, c. 1820-1887) Beautiful!) I loved it.

In September, during a vist to the MET with a dear cousin, I saw the 2013 Day by Day calendars in abundance. It was much too early to think of moving on to 2013. I, so typical of me, delayed and continued to enjoy the pages and days of 2012. I thought I would wait until the calendars went on sale. After all, calendars have a short shelf life at the beginning of a new year. None of my outings in December took me close to the museum and trips out of town during the holidays didn't have me facing an expired calendar until a few days into January.

A walk last week took me by the museum but of course, it being a Monday, it wasn't open. An uncomfortable feeling is starting to take hold. I should not have delayed, I should have bought it, stuck it in the back of the closet and been prepared for the new year to start. Yesterday another walk brought me back to the museum. Immediately upon entering the doors I see the the gift shop entrance holds the welcome "Clearance" signs I knew would be there. Holiday cards! Calendars! 50% off and more! I will be in luck. I just know it.

Hurriedly dismissing the wall calendars, mini-calendars, desk calendars, and purse calendars that still stock the shelves, I cannot find the Day by Day calendar. I seek out a clerk. Ah, yes he says with a negative shake of his head. Those are our most popular calendars. They have been sold out for some time. Disappointment sinks in. I really, really wanted to buy my calendar at the museum. It just won't do to recyle 2012. I've seen those pictures and lived those days.

Thankfully, online ordering came to the rescue. Of course they had the calendars. Of course they could have it to me tomorrow if I wanted to pay extra shipping. (I did not.) I don't have the calendar yet but I'm moving on to 2013. I'm going to work harder at not procrastinating. Really.

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