Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shopping By Weight

Is it a bad thing that I now eat all light foods? Not lite, as in nutritional value, but light as in actual weight. Should I get the strawberries or the half watermelon? Should I pick up two cans of beans or four. What else am I picking up on this trip? Anything especially bulky or heavy? What can I actually carry home? Will my frozen food be dripping out of the bag by the time I hit my door?  Do I need to stop anywhere else on my way home from the grocery store and load myself up further?

These are all questions I ask myself as I prepare to go shopping, am in the process of shopping, and as I prepare to go back to the apartment. What CAN I carry? Where am I in relation to home? Does this trip involve the bus, the subway, a taxi, or walking? It's no longer a matter of plopping myself in my vehicle, loading up my back seat, trunk, and front seat from a variety of stops all over town, and then backtracking when I realized I failed to pick up some vanilla. There is not much backtracking on these shopping trips. Planning is everything.

I'm not complaining here. I'm really not. I have a friend who lived in the Brrrrrr! parts of Alaska and actually had to board a plane to get her groceries, so living three blocks from my C-Town grocery store I can handle. If nothing else I can make multiple trips or I could even have my grocery store deliver. I shop, they schlep. Or I can avoid the store all together, shop online AND have it delivered. I think maybe as we get closer to winter and wanting those comfort foods that require canned goods like kidney beans, stewed tomatoes, and cream corn I'll have a look at those services.

For now I'll just keep watching my weight.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! This is why I could never live where I don't have a trunk.
