Monday, August 20, 2012

I Am A Lapsed Blogger

I am a lapsed blogger.

There I admitted it. Surely there must be a support group out there for the likes of us. A safe place where we can stand up, shift from one foot to the other, look at the floor, and seek forgiveness for the sin of not keeping up. Where others will look at us with soulful eyes and you know they feel your pain. A place where we can talk about how many calendar days it has been since we posted, what part of life got in the way, or the writers block that is paralyzing us from sharing. (Or not, but I needed to infuse a little drama here.)

So. It's been awhile. For those of you keeping track it's been 33 days. (You know who you are.) In the great scheme of things that's not all that long but when you have just experienced several life changing events (s) over a two month period that seems like an awfully long time.

Life Changing Event #1 - Moved from small town to major east coast city

Life Changing Event #2 - Mr. Y retired from major communications company that has paid him religiously, bi-monthly for the last 28 years.

Life Changing Event #3 - Mr. Y turns 50 - the year of the (yet to be determined what form it will take) mid-life crisis.

Life Changing Event #4 - I turned a year older and as the author of this blog I do not have to disclose WHAT that year is but just know it is closer to 60 than Mr. Y is.

All of these events except the first one occurred during The Lapse Phase so my next blogs will catch you up. Or I may need to begin seeking out that support group............

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're back! I've watched Law and Order enough to be afraid that you'd been swallowed by NYC.
