Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Good Intentions

We had such good intentions.

Knowing we would be back in NYC for New Year's Eve this year Mr. Y and I decided this would be the year to be in Time's Square. Won't ever be here again. How could we miss this opportunity? We will be SO sorry if we don't go. Won't we?

The day started out clear and bright, then spit snow in the afternoon, and finally cleared for a reveal a cloudless, cold night. Reports started coming in of people (and by that I mean young people) beginning to stake out their spots around noon. Oh gosh, really? They are going to stand outside in twenty degree weather for twelve hours!? No restrooms, no chairs, no food. Back packs and packages were not being allowed into the secured areas so unless you could stuff a whole lot of goods into your pockets it was going to be a very long day. And then there were the posts about adult diapers being needed, and, well, you see where this is going.....

Right to our couch. Sitting in front our of TV with thousands (though more than one announcer referred to billions) of people doing the same thing. We saw the entertainment, such as it was, and had a helicopter view of the crowd. Plus we had ready access to our facilities and could pop our popcorn and eat it hot. Oh, we could have made a mad dash to midtown around ten and hoped for the best but it was more fun to dash to our rooftop at midnight and see the fireworks in Central Park and Brooklyn going off. The dash back downstairs to a warm cozy bed by 12:20am was even better. No subway ride required.

I didn't make any resolutions for 2014 but I've already paved the way for good intentions.

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