Sunday, June 8, 2014

An Off Year

Yesterday was our 17th wedding anniversary.

Traditionally, according to reliable website sources, we are suppose to give crystal gifts for our fifteenth anniversary and silver for our twentieth. Nothing is noted for the seventeenth. Well, there IS a gift of furniture mentioned for the seventeenth if you are checking the "Modern" gift list and given that we will be in the process of moving soon that might have been a good idea, but no recliners or lamps or bedside tables were exchanged.

I think it's nice when you are at the point in a relationship when a non-celebration becomes a celebration. Not that I would want that every year but we decided early in the day, after seeing four visiting family members off in a cab to the airport, that an agenda of doing nothing would be a great gift to give each other. Since late April we had either had guests here or traveled ourselves. We bought a house in the Midwest (Midwest to Midtown.....and Back), graduated the youngest from college, apartment hunted with that graduate for his post college abode, traded cars, visited with friends and family, picked paint colors and carpet for the new house, and arranged for a contractor to tweak a few things before we go back in July. We both needed a breather.

We caught up on a little TV, I washed up guest bedding, he sat and researched ancestry at the computer. I read newspapers that had piled up during the week of entertaining, he ran out to bring back lunch and a few groceries. We ordered take-out for dinner. No angst of what to buy each other, no budgeting for elaborate trips or champagne meals, no perusing the card section for that perfectly versed card. Just a comfortable sharing of our special day.

Off years are good!

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