Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gasp! I'm Back

Clear! Stand back! I am about to revive the blog. I'm not sure how many amps to apply but enough to give me a good adrenaline boost to get me through at least the next month of blogging.

I'm going to update everyone on the downsizing and move on from there. The house is sold. Yes, again. Just in time to cancel a dreaded Open House and before the annuals quickly planted in the front yard have time to croak. This round we are confident enough in the sale to start taking pictures off the wall, move promised furniture to the stepson's new apartment, and stop making the pantry look like I actually cook gourmet food. (I do not.)  We have a closing date of June 29th and I can't wait.

The leasing agent in NYC tells us this is perfect timing to pick up an apartment on the 23rd floor of our desired building. Dare we push for the 25th floor where we might have a view of two more high rises from our bedroom window?  We'll know more early this week.

In the meantime I have started downsizing my social commitments too. No more book club, no more P.E.O., no more volunteering for projects. Goodbyes are being exchanged, lists are being made for shutting off utilities, and a plan is being mapped out for driving to NYC in a few weeks with whatever belongings will fit in a van.

Gasp! Ah yes, it feels good to be back.

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