Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Big Week, A Big Day

We made it. We are the in the Midtown of Midwest to Midtown. We left the Midwest last Wednesday after the wheat was harvested and in the bins and before the temperatures started climbing into the triple digits.  Our U-Haul ride across half of America was uneventful (thank goodness). The sale of the house closed yesterday, so now we call a NYC apartment home.

This was a tough move. Lots of heavy sighs as I packed up boxes, made last minute decisions on what to bring, and said goodbyes to friends. "I'm not leaving forever you know and my e-mail and cell number stay the same," I would say at each parting. This is a move both my husband and I desired but I fooled myself into thinking it would be much easier than it was. I wasn't really sorry to leave the weeding in the garden behind, or the house maintenance and cleaning of a big house, or one of the gas guzzling vehicles. At this stage I am missing my routine, my connections, and being settled.

The flip side is that there is a little guy in an apartment four floors above with beautiful blue eyes and a killer giggle that turns three months old today.  It's been seven days since we arrived here and we will figure out a structure to our days, and appreciate a super who, within an hour of reporting it, caulked the bathtub faucet (something we MIGHT have gotten around to in a month of two), and get used to the walking, walking, walking, and more walking.  But for today we have "birthdays" to celebrate. And smiles to exchange. And giggles to enjoy.

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