Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Flea Market Starter Kit

Someone is about to get really lucky. They are going to get a lot of my things at a bargain price. They can resell it, re-gift it, or move it into their house. I don't care as long as they cart it away. This could be the start of a new reality show. My version of Storage Wars. Go find as much stuff as you can and see who can re-sell it at the highest price. Flea Market Fanatics. Uh, Flea Market Floozies. Well, Mike Burnett's marketing group will have to pitch their own ideas. Anyway...........

I don't want to have a moving/garage/relocation sale. Call it what you will. I consider the whole process a pain. I don't want to haggle over prices. I don't want to watch people pick over my stuff ("What possessed her to pick THAT pattern/color/shape?") and then reject it. And I sure don't want to sit in a hot garage for hours hoping people understood the directions to my cul-de-sac. I just want to be rid of a bunch of stuff all at the same time and have it carted away. No muss, no fuss.

Surely there is someone out there that enjoys the above much more than I do. Someone who likes to dig through boxes, and laundry baskets, and shelves for hidden gems. Someone who likes to sell someone else on the idea that they cannot possibly live without that wok, garden pot, or vase. I have just the deal for them. A flea market starter kit. Pay me X dollars and you can have EVERYTHING. No picking and choosing. No LL Bean backpack without the Farmway Co-op mug. No pretty basket without the saucer sled. And certainly no box of silverware without the fifty frames.

Some enterprising person out there is cruising the internet tonight hoping they will come across an ad for a Flea Market Starter Kit. Keep looking. It's out there.

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