Tuesday, July 23, 2013

There's Flush And Then There's FLUSH!


I am not even remotely tempted to post a picture of my water closet at home, but here? Yes. Not to be impolite but these Germans have the toilet process figured out.

Mr. Y is still getting used to driving a manual gear shift in our rental car. Almost all cars here have manual gears because how are you going to zip around the Autobahn in an automatic? Now I've discovered there are two gears on our toilet, or toilette. There is the "Seriously, why are you bothering to flush?" gear, and SERIOUSLY, you need to flush!" gear. No automatic, sensored hurricane behind you as with airport toilets. At first I thought this was just a nifty feature of our Air Force Base accommodations, military efficiency and all that, but that is not the case. This flushing feature has been at every public restroom I've been in and there have been several. (What about traveling dehydrates a person SO much that they have to drink liters and liters of water every day!?) Pushing the small circle generates a moderate amount of flushing water, pushing the big circle gives you flushing on steroids. It's a great system. 

The other bathroom perk is attendants in most of the public restrooms. You walk into the restroom, hand the attendant a small coin, and you are guaranteed to be "taking care of business" in an immaculate, sterile, and aromatically freshened stall. This is because as soon as you emerge she is right back in there spritzing and fussing and getting ready for the next guest. I can tell you that some of our restrooms at Grand Central could use some of their attention.

So, that's my ode to German technology and courtesy at it's finest. 

Flush on!

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