Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A Cow Bell Day

Go to any type of outdoor sporting event where friends and family attend for the purpose of encouraging and inspiring their favorite participant and you will hear cow bells. Hopefully lots and lots of cow bells.

When Mr. Y participated in a 102 mile bike event that required him to ride up and down three mountain passes in one day he was happy to have a small band of supporters yelling out messages of hope and assurance all while vigorously clanging cow bells. All the other participants also seemed to enjoy that we popped up at strategic spots along the route ("You guys again!?") and would shout out their request for "More cow bells!"  Their pace would pick up, we would get smiles and a thank you, and we knew we had lifted their spirits when they needed it most.

As I cleaned out the back of my closet and came across my set of cow bells (What? You don't keep cow bells around?) I thought today might be a good day to give them a good shaking before I pack them away. Who needs an athletic event to justify a good cow bell ringing? My frowny face from yesterday has been replaced with a little bit of anticipation as I tape shut some more packing boxes, but I could still use a little uplift. I found out this morning that dear friends who participated in our little support group in the mountains will be facing surgeries over the next few weeks to address potentially serious health issues. I'm thinking a cow bell ringing video would at least divert their thoughts from what lies ahead for a few minutes. The world as a whole seems to be in a bit of a mess right now and could certainly use a good cow bell event.

While I complete my short cow bell ringing session (VERY short considering I have apartment neighbors) I leave you with a video (More Cow Bell) of the now classic SNL skit that inspired the requests for more cow bell.

That completes my Cow Bell Day.

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