Friday, July 25, 2014

Deliver Me From Delivery

My cooking skills are shot. I packed up fifteen cookbooks today and can't remember the last time I consulted one. Guys on bicycles delivering food to my door have ruined me. Delivery menus have become my recipe books.

My Y and I have completely different tastes in food. He loves seafood, I would eat chicken for every meal every day if I could. He enjoys cucumbers and tomatoes soaked in Italian salad dressing, I like plain celery sticks. He likes street vendor lamb kabobs, mmmm, I don't? Anyway, the point is that requesting food delivery becomes very appealing. We can both order what we want and even if we are not eating the same food at least we are still eating together. 

I already know I am going to miss this aspect of living in a big city. I've never ordered breakfast to be delivered to my door but that's not really the point is it? I COULD have breakfast delivered to my door if I wanted it. French toast, bagels, eggs over medium with a side of crispy bacon, anything that is on the menu a bicyclist will weave through traffic to bring me. It gives a little punch to breakfast in bed doesn't it?

It doesn't really matter that we aren't ordering in anything exotic. It's usually chicken pot pie, roasted chicken, pasta dishes, pizza, salads, or some variation of Chinese food. What matters is that it shows up hot and ready to eat, there are no pots and pans to wash, and if we want to really to save the planet, no dishes to wash.  In addition to anything delivered there comes a minimum of four to six packets of plastic ware (really, the servings large enough to feed that many people), fifteen packets of whatever condiment they deem appropriate, and a huge stack of thin napkins that equals one good Bounty napkin. Once you're finished eating you now have plastic leftover containers for all those meals you aren't preparing.

Chinese food and pizza are the only two types of food that will show up at my door in the smallish town where I am moving. I will know those menus by heart within two weeks of turning the key in the door of my new delivery address. Eating food from a variety of restaurants will require me to jump in the car, pull into the "Take Out Parking Only" spots, and wait for a car hop to deliver food to my window.

No, I just need to unpack those cookbooks, fire up the search engines for recipes sites, and flip through some magazines for enticing meals that include seafood and chicken.

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