Thursday, January 26, 2012

Me Calling Me

I cannot tell you how many times I have searched for my Smart phone this week. Yes, I can tell you after all. Five times. That's what my Smart phone tells me from my Recent Calls list.

How can this be? I usually carry my phone on me in a pocket. It has become an essential part of my wardrobe. Who knows when I might come up with the perfect word to zap (Zap! Oh that's a good one! Hopefully on a triple letter/triple word combination) a Words With Friends opponent with? And what is the temperature outside right this minute (as opposed to sticking my nose out the door and testing)? I don't want to miss a text message and I might want to look up a recipe for Szechuan Chicken. No, that wouldn't happen because I don't cook Chinese food but I do check my bank balance occasionally. My cell phone is just always there.

But when it's not there is when I have to start looking. Where was I a minute ago? When did I last use it?  Have I been outside? Did I hear it drop? Closet? No. Purse? No. Beside my favorite chair? No. (Sigh) I'm going to have to call myself. Thank goodness we still have our landline. Pick up the landline, call my Smart phone. Pause. Pause. Please tell me I don't have it on MUTE. Oh! I hear it! That's Adele singing "Set Fire to the Rain" and, wait, wait, yes it sounds like it's coming from the guest bathroom. Quick, get to it before it stops ringing and I haven't zeroed in on it!

The other day I was ready to run an errand and realized I didn't have my phone. I called myself and thought I heard my phone in the bedroom, no, wait, it's behind me in the kitchen, no, mmmm, behind me in the bedroom? No. Behind me as in my purse that is slung over my shoulder and pushed behind my back.  My Smart phone was literally following me. I pull it out of my purse to see that "HOME"  is calling me. Duh.

I now realize the only time I call from my home phone is when I am looking for my cellphone so why not just label it what it is? A quick edit and it now shows the true picture. Me calling ME.

Daily Downsizing Tally: Shipped out a fly fishing vest and fly fishing fly tying bench -  items sold on E-Bay. Yep, Mr Y's hobby is now two items lighter. Trust me, there is plenty more where that came from. And yes, he knew they were being sold. Also gave a friend a book off my bookshelf and told her it must NEVER BE RETURNED! Had the same friend take 3 tubs of dishes to transport to friends in Denver but since the dishes didn't actually belong to me and were just temporarily being stored I will NOT count them in my tally. Just keeping it real.

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