Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saving My Pennies

The car. The junk drawer. The sidewalk. Pockets. Under chairs. The washer.  These are all great places for finding change. My husband and I each have our own methods of grabbing up this errant currency and squirreling it away somewhere. His in a Tupperware container, mine in a Celestial Green Tea can. Then there is The Penny Jar.

The Penny Jar has moved with us to at least three different houses, maybe four. I think we emptied it between a couple of those moves but I can't be sure.  Anyway, it has resided in our basement guest bedroom for about 3 years. If I remember correctly the color I chose to paint the walls in that room is actually called TruePenny by Benjamin Moore, but I digress. I make it a point to sort out new found currency and always put the pennies in The Penny Jar.  (My husband is not so discerning, he keeps everything.) 

Today my husband was making a trip to the bank and decided this would be a good day to add to The NYC Move Fund by cashing in all of our change.  "Mmm, how much do you think we have in the Penny Jar?" I asked, thinking we won't be paying for any 5th Avenue apartment but maybe we could afford a taxi ride from the airport to Midtown.  $75 is my husband''s immediate guess.  "No way!" I said, "Remember it takes 100 pennies to make just one dollar. 100 pennies!  Does it look like there are 7500 pennies in that penny jar?"  Guessing that it did not I guessed $23, 2300 pennies. Sending the attached picture to my son and DIL their estimates came in at $27 and $35 respectively. I was certainly in the ballpark. Surely.

 No, I (we) was (were) not.  $71.23 was in The Penny Jar, along with a wood screw, 2 pieces of asphalt, and an industrial staple. Go figure. If we keep up the penny saving maybe we can afford a taxi ride all they way to Jersey.

Daily Downsizing Tally: Today we Upsized our NYC Move Fund by $232. Woo hoo!

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