Thursday, June 20, 2013

Goodbye, Spring

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
                                 - Robert Frost

Today was the last day of Spring. And what a spectacular one it has been. I wish it could stay.

I can't remember ever experiencing such a physical reaction to the profusion of daffodils, tulips, pansies, redbuds, and cherry blossoms. This was the Spring that I walked around the city feeling like she was a beautiful young women that woke up one morning and decided to adorn herself with every sparkly piece of jewelry she owned but had stashed away for the winter. She sparkled as if laden with diamonds, rubies, pearls, emeralds, and sapphires. She took by breath away every day with the discovery of new pockets of color at doorsteps, and curbsides, and parks.

I paused.

I sighed.

I admired.

I smiled.

But it wasn't just the city. I traveled to Las Vegas in April and Kansas in May and Spring had blossomed gloriously there also. Cactus in the dessert, tulips in the city, and this year the honeysuckle that I planted on my mom's arbor three years ago decided to go crazy.

On Memorial Day I visited the gravesides of family members and simply could not believe the display of peonies blooming at the cemetery this year. It was awash in peonies of every color and variety. Just as it should be, but so many times recently they had already bloomed and were gone. 

 I know Summer is arriving tomorrow and soon I will close up the apartment and turn the air conditioner on. The flowers outside will struggle with the heat and beg for moisture. But right now I have my windows open and a cool breeze is gently coming in.

Thank you, Spring. It has been magnificent.

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