Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Still in the Know at 8-0

Dear Mom,
We celebrated with a family gathering on Memorial Day but today is the actual Big Birthday. Today you have had to "settle" for FaceTime, phone calls, and Facebook greetings from far away. What a difference 80 years makes!

I was thinking that when you were growing up the types of communication we have today would have seemed purely fantastical. From the world of the Jetsons. Then again, you wouldn't even know who George Jetson's family was because he came along YEARS later, after the invention of the television. You and your slightly older sister would have erupted into fits of giggles if you had been told you could someday "visit" each other from a thousand miles apart just by sitting in front of a plastic tablet (no, not a Big Chief) and touching a screen of glass. You might have been mortified to know you could someday keep tabs on old friends, family, or even strangers by depressing buttons on a mouse (a lot of explaining would have been required on that one).  Then more laughter, since you were already keeping tabs on the neighbors, family, and strangers by depressing a toggle on your telephone party line.  And the texting! What would you have made of learning about texting back then? Maybe you and your sister would have looked at each other and started air typing before collapsing with laughter and gasping for breath. I know what those silly-fests look like. You STILL do it when you get together.

Fortunately we all still enjoy the old form of communication. Face to face. Gathering everyone together (except one very regretful granddaughter) for a meal of fried chicken and the fixings to celebrate the entrance into your 8th decade was filled with smiles, hugs, and catching up in ways that, no matter how much bandwidth you have, does not translate over the phone, or tablets, or computers. You were able to embrace your two great grand babies instead of sending kisses over the airwaves. You could touch their sweet little cheeks and hold their precious hands. You could enjoy standing around in casual conversations, teasing each other, and just generally enjoying each others physical company.

We are all so glad you indulge us by keeping up with the latest technology and endure online drop-ins. You keep answering that phone, sending those texts, responding to those e-mails and we will make every effort to show up for a hug.
Your Oldest

PS I understand your oldest son drove up from his home two hours away to take you to lunch. What a reprieve from all those electronic birthday greetings!

1 comment:

  1. You're back! Yay! And happy birthday to your mom, who is fabulously hip.
