Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Cup of Tea and Three Squares A Day

You would think three squares a day would mean three balanced meals a day. That would not be the case with me. To me three squares a day means three pieces of chocolate. Every day. Add those to a freshly brewed cup of tea and you have the perfect storm of comfort and relaxation.

In the evening I brew up a pot of tea. My favorite tea this past winter has been Harney & Son's Organic Peppermint. Harney and Son's have a wonderful store in NYC's Soho area and I love to go there. They will brew up a small sample cup of any tea flavor you want. I would take tea tasting over a wine tasting any day. Swirling the different teas around in your mouth you see if you can taste the cinnamon, chicory, chamomile, or mint. You inhale and try to smell the vanilla, caramel, cardamon, or lemongrass.Taking a sip you feel the warm liquid spread from your mouth, down your throat and through you body. Ahhhhhh. I could definitely become a tea snob.

Once the water has boiled I put loose tea in my diffuser and set it in my favorite tea pot. The boiling water pours over the tea and I set a timer for five minutes to steep. Now it's time to start perusing my cabinet for the favored cup of the night. (I suppose if I were really going to hone my tea snob skills I would have to use much smaller cups with a saucer and throw a pinky finger in the air. Very Downton Abby-ish.)

Typically my cup - okay I'll just call it what it is - my tea MUG will usually have NY theme but every once in awhile I opt for a destination mug. Into the mug goes about a teaspoon of Blue Agave syrup. (I used to use honey but supposedly it makes your sugar spike higher than agave, so agave it is. It adds just the right amount of sweet.)

When the timer dings I am ready to pour. A nice pepperminty aroma wafts up and I can feel myself relaxing already. I break off three squares of dark chocolate that has a little bit of crystallized ginger in each piece and head for the easy chair. Into my mouth goes a square of chocolate followed by a slow sip of piping hot peppermint tea. The chocolate slowly melts in my mouth as the tea warms me up.

 Ahhhhhh. Does it get any better than this? A cup of tea and three squares a day.

DOWNSIZING TALLY - Have had some interest in the house but no contract yet. I was told today the reason the last couple deferred was because the Mrs. didn't want to bend over to use the oven. Bad back. Okay then. The dish sets we put on Craigslist both sold and the outdoor furniture and sewing machine are next up.

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