Monday, March 12, 2012

For Sale. Now What?

The house has been touched up, scrubbed, repaired, and inspected. The pictures have been take, the video posted, and a For Sale sign plunked in the front yard. Now what do we do? Well, go on vacation of course.

Last Thursday morning we loaded up our bags, bike (singular you notice), binoculars, and snacks. The house was going to be shown a couple of times that day so I scrubbed my way to the garage door as we prepared to leave. You know how those natives cover their tracks with tree branches so no one knows which way they went? That's how I felt cleaning my way to the back door. If I could have raked our footprints off the carpet I would have but at that point we were ready to just get out of Dodge. 

Scrubbing floors then sitting in a car for several hours is not a good idea. I nearly had to duck walk into our first rest stop. My knees and hips were not going to straighten out until they were good and ready. Hopefully fellow travelers were sympathetic to my odd gait. It did get better by our first night's stop but I'll think twice before I do that again. 

Friday we arrived in Moab, Utah. It's a beautiful area. Perfect for Mr Y to bike his little heart out in The Skinny Tire Festival and for me to enjoy some down time at our B&B. I'm trying to get a grip on my new found habit of jumping out of bed, making the bed, vacuuming the floor, rinsing out the tub, and cleaning the windows. No need for that here. I am going to just to relax and enjoy the scenery. I could get used to this. 

Hopefully back home my house is selling itself.

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