Sunday, March 18, 2012

Up at 2 A.M.


Oh lawd. I hate the nights when I am wide awake anytime after midnight. The experts tell you not to fight it. They recommend you just get out of bed and embrace that you are awake. Read. Drink a glass of milk. Listen to soothing music. 

Random thoughts had been popping into my head as I tried to sleep. What if the house sells this week? What if it doesn't? Will we enjoy living in NYC? How nice was that to enjoy the outdoor room tonight? How much am I going to miss watching Kansas sunsets? Who would have guessed it would be in the 80's on St. Patrick's Day? Why have I never really enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick's Day all that much? Will those pansies live that I just planted? How sore am I going to be tomorrow after cleaning out the garden today (er yesterday)? What is going to be the new grandbaby's name? And on and on and on.....

After huffing, puffing,tossing and turning I slipped out of bed without my husband even stirring. (Note to self. Remember to start setting the security system at night because clearly Mr Y. is not going to notice unwanted nocturnal visitors.) His shallow, peaceful breathing is making me crazy because I am tired of squinching (yes, I made that word up because that it what you do at 2 in the morning) my eyes shut trying to get to that peaceful place too. I figured if I pretend to be asleep then I will actually fall asleep. It did not happen. So. Here I sit at 2 a.m. NOT embracing being awake but sitting with my glass of milk waiting for the Sleep Fairy to sprinkle me with sleep dust.

Please tell me there is a Sleep Fairy.

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