Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hang in there, Gracie!

Okay. I ask you. Have you ever seen anything as cute, pathetic, and funny as this? Gracie is my grand-puppy. (Yes, I've turned into one of those people.) She lives in an apartment in NYC and has a pretty darn good life. Until now.

On Wednesday her family will be expanded by one bouncing baby boy. Not a good thing from her perspective. New toys are being delivered to her apartment and they are not for her nor do they squeek. The crib, the car seat, and the changing mat are off limits. I do believe there is a space at the bottom of the stroller that will work great for tagging along on walks but the "money seat" is already reserved for the wee one that will be taking up attention previously lavished on "moi".

I saw you were caught (on video no less!) emptying the new baby clothes out of a storage basket this past week but the new guy will have his share of videotaped gaffs also. Trust me on this. You have a fun, new playmate coming. You just don't know it yet. Eventually he will love you just like your parents do and I'm guessing he will share his toys, bottles, pacifiers, and buggy rides with you too.

If you can just hang in there a little longer........

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