Friday, April 6, 2012

Critter Control

Ah, man. As I  have been sitting in the basement doing computer work I now discover I have a visitor. A creepy, little animal visitor. In the ventilation system no less.

You know how you hear something and you think your ears are playing tricks on you? That scurrying, rustling sound? You look back over your shoulder. Then it stops. Then that scurrying, rummaging sound again. So you get up and creep over to the air conditioner unit where you think it's coming from. Nothing. Silence. So you sit back down. Augh! There it is again. So you stomp over as if to intimidate it into just going away and it continues to rummage around in the aluminum vents oblivious to the fact that your are staring at the vent area, willing the sound to stop and whatever IT is to find it's way back out the way it came in. Thank heavens it is contained and not running willy-nilly around my basement!

I know whatever it is, and it certainly isn't telling me, truly does not want to be in that vent. And I truly do NOT want to help it get out. Mr. Y is, of course, far away on a quick fishing expedition so I cannot wave my handkerchief in front of my face or feign fainting in hopes that he will save me.

A realtor and his clients will be here tomorrow at 10:00am. They are just going to have to understand that critter control is not my strong suit. I can clean baseboards, vacuum, rearrange furniture, weed, arrange flowers, and puff up pillows but I cannot, WILL not, coax an unknown varmint out of my vents. Hopefully it will be so worn out from navigating the vent system it will be taking a nap when they come. If not.........
Deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of our good friend Hairy, the little squirrel that wondered in to our home and made a little space for itself in our basement ceiling. Needless to say, after driving me bananas running around above my head for a week, he kindly fell into a basket hungry and thirsty. Then we were able to move him safely back outside where I like to believe he went out, got something to eat and lived a happy life telling his tale of adventure.

    PS - he received that name as he suffered from some hair lost during his stay.
