Monday, April 2, 2012

A Virtual Grandbaby

He is finally here. Announced via text message and accompanied by a picture on Wednesday, March 28th. Nolan Christopher, 7 lbs 12 ozs. 21 inches long. A grandbaby. A beautiful, perfect baby boy born to my son and his "champion" of a wife, as my son so admiringly described her.

Witnessing childbirth is not for the faint of heart. The first time I talked with my son I could sense the awe (shock?) in his voice of what a miracle the whole process is. He is cradling a new human being that combines both he and his wife's genes. That will develop a personality all his own. That will give them laughs, heartache, and immeasurable joy. Who IS this little guy?

Thank goodness you can expand pictures on the new smartphones and tablets. Instead of being able to gaze upon him in person I spread my fingers to enlarge the picture. What color of hair does he have? "It looks like he has blond hair," I exclaim. "And look at those fingers! He'll be an athlete or piano player for sure. Or maybe both?"

I am requesting daily photo updates, a "Nolan Fix" if you will. Facetime is wonderful too. I can see him scrunch up his face, kick his little legs, and that funny look when their eyes roll up in their heads as they prepare for a snooze. They change so much in the first year, I know if I don't keep up with him daily I won't recognize him when I get my arms around him for the first time. I can't imagine "the old days" when you had to wait for a printed photo to arrive in the mail. Or the really old days when you might not meet family members until you took a trip to see them. Goodness only knows how this little guy will be introduced to HIS grandbabies someday.

For now I have a virtual grandson but there will be no amount of bandwidth that can substitute for the real thing. Soon, Nolan Christopher. Soon.

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