Monday, April 23, 2012

May Day! May Day!

I have always liked May Day. The first day of May speaks to me of fun, and flowers, and knocking on people's doors and running to nearby shrubbery for cover. This May Day is a little different. This May Day speaks to me of an urgent distress signal originating from the French words "m'aider" or "Come Help Me".                                             
We know what building we want to live in in NYC.  Now it is just a matter of finessing our way into the only one bedroom apartment in the building that MAY become available in June. The current occupants could always decide to stay and considering the leasing agent had 3 phone inquiries into one bedroom apartment availability just during our 15 minute office visit,  I feel we will be lucky if we get the go ahead. We are filling out the applications and hoping for the best. We will know the answer to all of these questions on May Day.

My husband is pretty sure he wants to retire in July but needs his final financial estimates from his employer to feel confident about making a dive into another career. The figures will be available on May Day.

And finally, our buyers are jumping through some hoops to get final approval on their loan.  (You know how you HAVE the money but you just can't GET to the money in a timely manner? And how throwing a government savings plan in there for good measure just makes it that much harder?) Guess when we will know the resolution? Yes! On May Day.

So, May Day could be a flower basket day or an "I'm a basket case" day for our household.

May Day! May Day!  


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