Friday, April 6, 2012

Measured In Miles

I don't know who "invented" baseboards but I am pretty darn sure it was a man.  Really. Who came up with this because I see no one taking credit for it anywhere on the WWW.  That alone should tell you something. This guy does not WANT to be remembered or credited with a really BAD idea.

As I prepare our house to be shown three times this weekend I am once again on my knees cursing a three inch high piece of wood that "decorates" the base of every single wall in my house. Well, not just my house but your house too. This dust catcher goes on forever doesn't it?  No one can tell me that this architectural element should be measured in inches, feet, or even yards. Baseboards should always be referred to in miles. "Yes, potential buyer, please note this house has 15 miles of baseboard. What a bargain you are getting!"

I wish there were an easier way to clean baseboards besides scootching (my spell check says this is not a word,but, trust me, it is) along on the floor with a wet cloth.  If I were going to phone in this task I would quickly run along the walls with a feather duster but I figure the dirt is going to end up somewhere else so why bother? I just read that using a laundry sheet helps reduce the dust collecting. Wish I had known that 5 miles ago.

The bad thing is I'm not sure people really notice baseboards unless they are dirty - the clean ones? Meh. (Sigh)

Downsizing Update: All the files from the business we sold five years ago have been carted off and burned. Mr. Y has the burn marks to prove it. Next up is the massage table that is being listed as "like new" because it is. Good intentions and all that......

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