Monday, April 9, 2012

The Scream, The Sale, The Move, The Smile

We talked about it. We dreamt about it. We did it. (Pause) (Scream)

The house is sold. The close date is set for May 25th. We are actually going to DO this. Move to The City.

My sister asked if I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Yes, I can't catch my breath if I try to think of all the tasks we have to complete in six short weeks. Deciding on an apartment in The City, deciding on an apartment in Small Town for the college student to summer in, deciding on a storage unit, deciding on what to store, what to give away, what to take with us, what to sell. Decisions, decisions, decisions. (Pause) (Scream)

I know in my heart this adventure is going to be fun. I know we are doing something some people only dream about, uprooting in mid-life to try a completely different lifestyle. We are letting go, embracing the unknown, and yet trying to stay in control. My stomach gives me happy butterflies one minute and rolling nausea the next. Do I jump up and down and clap my hands or curl into a little ball and bury my head under the covers? Today, both I think.

The TO DO list isn't getting any shorter as I sit here and write. I know if I take action I will be able to breath easier. One thing marked off the list, one step closer to The City - and the grandbaby, and his parents, and maybe a Broadway play, and Central Park on the weekends, and, oh, I'm beginning to feel better already..........

I can scream AND smile. Right?

Downsizing Tally: One house

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