Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Treasure Hunting

Treasure Map by hextrust - Created using
revans2_Landscape_Parchment_Background Making the change from a PC to a Mac is turning out to be a bit of an adventure.  Slap on a safari hat and grab a magnifying glass because we are about to embark on a treasure hunt. We are going to be looking for pictures, documents and music that was suppose to have been transferred from the old PC to the new MAC. This is not going to be an easy task.

Last week, after our PC started exhibiting signs of being unstable, we decided it was time to make the final jump to all Apple devices. With iPhones and an iPad already on hand it seemed to make sense our next desktop would be an iMac. Using the phones and iPad seemed to be SO easy, surely this was going to be a snap too. Not so much.

First off, the keyboard is much smaller than our last one and most everything I type comes out looking like I am either cursing a blue streak or it's the formula for a chemical experiment. Even with autocorrect my sentences are looking downright obscene. Then we thought we had clicked on everything we needed for transferring all of our information from the PC to the MAC using wi-fi.  "Transfer is complete" we were assured (after seven hours!) on both screens. Great! Except I have yet to find any of the information on the MAC.  I have clicked, function keyed, and dragged (drug?) every icon I can think of and still I have not uncovered the mystery of where my pictures are. So far the ESCAPE key has been my best friend. At least I am able to extract myself from whatever pit (screen) I have landed on.

So now I am using both computers. They are set up in a corner so that I can swing my chair from one to the other with a fair amount of ease. This learning curve is going to be a little more steep than I thought and for sure I am going to need a better map!

1 comment:

  1. Bad things happen when you go to the Dark Side. Bad, bad things.
